Taking Attendance


Attendance should be submitted and updated at the beginning of each block.  If all students are present, open the class attendance and click Submit

  1. In your browser, login to Red Rover at https://app.redroverk12.com/. Click on Bulletin Board. 

  2. Open the Substitute Attendance Password post.

  3. Copy today’s password and click on the link to go to pssubs.glenbrook225.org*Note: Do not open the password while projecting! Keep this password secure.

  1. Select the school and the teacher for whom you are subbing.

  2. Paste or type the password provided on the Red Rover post. Click Sign In.

  1. Click on the Attendance icon                   next to the class. 

  1. Click on all medical alerts so you are aware of medical issues in the room.

  2. Click on the cells next to the student(s) names to mark students with the appropriate attendance code. 

    • Present - for students attending class in person

    • Unexcused - the student is not in class and is not quarantined

    • Late - a student is late to class

  1. Click Submit.

If all students are present, enter the class and click Submit.

Sign out of the class before you leave and start another class.