If a visiting Canon technician needs to reset the copier you'll need to re-install the papercut software on the copier, here are the steps.

1. Open a web browser and type in the IP address of the copier in the address field, click enter.  At the log in screen, use the default username and password.  User Name: administrator, Password: 7654321

2. At window that opens after log int slick on "Settings?Registration" located on the right side of the window.

3. At the next window, in the left hand column, click on "License/Other" and then open "Register/Update Software".

4. At this window you'll need the license number associated with this copier.  Each copier has their own license number for this software. It's very important to only use the license access number associated with the copier that you are working on.  To find the license access number associated with the copier, first copy the "Device Serial Number" listed towards the top of this window and then refer to this document, search for the device serial number you copied from the previous window.  Once at the Canon SN document look in the "MEAP Licences" column. FYI, you will not be able to copy and paste into the "License Access Number" fields, you'll need to manually type in the license number.

5.  Once you have entered the proper License Access Number associated with this printer, click on "next". 

6. At the next screen put a checkmark by "PaperCut Gen3+ MEAP v1.2.0" and click "Start Installation".

7. Once the installation has completed you'll see this screen, now return to the original UI Canon portal using the IP address of the copier.  Go to step 8.

8. At this screen, click on "Settings/Registration" in the columb on the right side of this window.

9. Once you are at the next screen, navigate to the Preferences tab on the left, once their click on "Perform Restart".

10. To test that you have configured papercut successfully, log back into the copier from the URL.  At the log in screen again enter the admin ID and password, and again click on "Configure PaperCut?

11. At this last screen, click on Apply.  Of papercut is now successfully connecting to the papercut server, you'll see "Successfully connected to server" in green at the bottom of the screen.