There are many fillable PDFs used in Glenbrook 225 - professional leave requests, reimbursements, timesheets, etc. Here are some tips for submitting a fillable PDF form:
- Use Chrome or Adobe Acrobat to fill out the form. On occasion, some errors occur when the Mac default program "Preview" is used.
- Use the Print function rather than Save or Export when you are finished and ready to save your work. Depending on which application you're using, you might accidentally be sending a form that is still editable. In many cases, including forms submitted for Board approval, you need to submit a form that is completed and no longer editable; "printing" the form will ensure this is the case.
Prepare to "print" your document and instead of sending it to the printer queue (e.g. Print-BW) select Save as PDF. Again, Chrome or Adobe Acrobat are recommended.