"Think of shared drives as a space where teams can easily store, search, and access common files anywhere, from any device. Unlike files in My Drive, files in a shared drive belong to the team instead of an individual. Even if team members leave, the files stay put so you—and the rest of the team—can continue to access information and get work done. Get the most out of shared drives with these best practices and tips."  - Google Support

Best practices for shared drives

Overview: What are shared drives

 (For account administrators) This feature is not available with all editions of Google Workspace. Learn about availability.

Organize and share individual and team content with Google Drive


Shared drives are shared spaces where teams can easily store, search, and access common files from any device.

Unlike files in My Drive, files in a shared drive belong to the team instead of an individual. Even if team members leave, the files stay put so you—and the rest of the team—can continue to access information and get work done.

What you need:
"" 10 minutesAccount Google Workspace account – Don't have one? Sign up.

Get Drive: Web (drive.google.com), Android, or iOS


Table of contents

Section 1: When to use shared drives

1.1 Differences between My Drive and shared drives
1.2 When to use shared drives
1.3 Common uses for shared drives

Section 2: Move files to a shared drive

2.1 Move files to a shared drive

Section 3: Manage files in shared drives

3.1 Set up a shared drive
3.2 When to create files in My Drive instead of a shared drive
3.3 Find files in a shared drive
3.4 Hide a shared drive

Section 4: Share files in a shared drive

4.1 Set access levels for a shared drive
4.2 Request access to a shared drive
4.3 Share files with non-members
4.4 Restrict sharing
4.5 Track changes in a shared drive

CLICK HERE to view Google Supports full Shared Drive Resources.