ExamView Item Banks must be exported to the QTI 2.1 format to be imported into the Mastery Manager Item Bank.  See the instructions below for how to complete the export process.  Please contact Stephanie Manly with any questions.

Mastery Manager: Export ExamView to QTI 2.1

ExamView questions must be exported into the QTI 2.1 format before they can be imported into the Mastery Manager Item Bank.  From the ExamView software, follow the steps below to export:

  1. Open the item bank you want to import in the ExamView software.

  2. Click “File” and select “Export” from the drop down menu.

  3. Export as “WebCT 4-6/Vista 3-4”.

  4. Save the new file when prompted.  It is recommended that you create a folder either on your computer or in Google Drive to save all of the item bank export files.

  5. Repeat the steps above for each item bank you would like imported into Mastery Manager.

  6. Contact Stephanie Manly at smanly@glenbrook225.org for next steps on how to import to Mastery Manager.