Due Dates are Critical

Due dates are critical to the accuracy of grades in PowerTeacher. This holds true for semester exams, as well. When you create your exam assignment, you MUST make the due date one of the exam dates for the current semester. Even if your students are completing a “project-type” assignment for a final before the actual exam day, you must make the due date one of the semester exam dates or it will be counted in the semester work (W1 or W2) grade.

To see the range of exam reporting term dates, click on the Report Terms selector in the top right corner.  Due dates for exams must be between the dates listed next to X1 (1st semester) or X2 (2nd semester).

Single & Non-weighted Exam Grades

If your exam grade consists of a single score or consists of multiple parts for which you enter total points (with no weighting involved):

  1. Create an assignment. Select any category to use for your exam grades.

  2. Create the due date for the assignment on one of the three semester exam days.

  3. Click Save.

  4. In the Reporting Term selector, change your reporting term to X1 or X2  (semester exam).

  5. Enter exam scores as you would any assignment. 

Complete the steps above for each component of the semester exam. You will see the semester average on the S1 reporting term screen as well as the All Reporting Terms screen.

Multipart Weighted Exam Grades

If your exam grade consists of multiple, weighted parts (e.g. written=40%, presentation=60%):

Create Necessary Categories (if you have not done so already)

  1. To create categories for use in your classes, click on the Create button and select Category

  2. Click the View All tab to see all your existing/district created categories.

  1. Return to the Category tab: 

  • Select the sections ① for which you want the category available. 

  • Name the category ② and select a color ③.

  • Leave the category Active

Weight the Exam Categories 

  1. Click on the Settings Charm and select Traditional Grade Calculations.

  2. Click on the Actions button for each Exam reporting term (X1 or X2) to set the weighting percentages.

  3. Select Category Weighting ④ (NOT Standards weighting), the category name, and the weight ⑤ for each exam component category.

  4. Click on the  sign ⑥ to enter another category and repeat the steps. 

  5. Save your Changes

Complete these changes for each section. 

Change Semester Weighting Formula

The default Semester weighting is set up as 80% = Semester Work and 20%=Final Exam. As a teacher, you may change that ratio (within limits set by the district). To change the Semester weighting:

  1. Click on the Settings Charm and select Traditional Grade Calculations.

  2. Click on the Actions button for each Semester (S1 or S2) you need to change.

  3. Change the Weight of the Semester Work (W) and the Exam (X).

IMPORTANT: Leave the Formula Type as “Term Weighting” and do not change any settings other than changing the weights.

  1. Click Save.

  2. Repeat for any classes requiring an adjusted setup.

Link to Google Docs Handout