There are certain areas of PowerSchool that are accessible to all employees for emergency purpose or for contacting members of clubs/teams. Below is the information on how to view basic student information in PowerSchool.

PowerSchool: Viewing Basic Student Information


Logging In

Start Page

Navigating From Page to Page

Search for a Student

Moving from student to student

Looking up Student Information

View a Student Schedule


PowerSchool users see a variety of screens based on their security settings. Our students’ personal information must remain secure and private when necessary. As a district, we believe that teachers and other staff often need access to students in athletics and activities and anyone could be called upon in an emergency to access contact or emergency medical information.

Because access is limited in some way for almost all users, you may run into a number of screens that indicate that you do not have access to the information. Please remember that you should only be able to access information necessary for you to perform your job duties or to assist students in case of an emergency.

If you do not have enough access to perform your job duties, please contact the Information Systems Specialist (x4560) for assistance.

Logging In

  1. Go to the District Intranet. Click on the PowerSchool Admin link or click on  PowerSchool Admin.

  2. Enter your username and password

Start Page

On the Start Page, there are a few components you need to be aware of

a. School: your default school will appear here when you login; if you are assigned to more than one school, you can change the school here

b. Term: You can view previous years/semesters here

c. Search box: Search for student by ID, last name here, etc.

d. Functions menu: most users will have little or no access to these functions and are given only access to basic student information. Search for students first and then you will see student information functions.

Navigating From Page to Page

In PowerSchool, best practice is to not use the back arrow to navigate.

  • Use the breadcrumb trail to move from screen to screen. 

  • You can always click on PowerSchool at the top of your screen to return to your Start Page if you’re not sure where you are!

Search for a Student

You can search for students in a number of ways in Powerschool. 

  • By default, your PowerSchool home page is a Search page. You can search for students the following ways:

    • By ID#: enter the student ID

    • By Student last name: start entering the last name of the student and hit enter. You will either see a screen for one student or a list of students with a similar name. Select the student you were searching for.

    • By Grade: you can narrow down your search by limiting it to grade level. Click on 9, 10, 11, or 12.

    • By First name: Enter First_Name=**** in the search box where **** is the student’s first name.

  • After you find the student’s name, you might need to select the student again from a filtered list.

  • After you select the student, you will see a list on the left of information you can view regarding each student.

Looking up Student Information 

To find available information about a student, search for the student then:

  • Under Information, click on the necessary screens. Some that are available are:

    • Bell Schedule View

    • Contacts

    • Photo

    • etc.

  • Use the breadcrumb trail or the PowerSchool logo to return to other pages when you are finished.

For most users, student information is limited to basic needs such as schedules and contact information.

View a Student Schedule

After you have found the student you are looking for (see #5):

  • In the Scheduling section, click on List View or Bell Schedule View to see a student schedule.

  • Exp = Block #;  Trm = Semester 1 (S1), Semester 2 (S2) or Both (14-15)

List View

Bell Schedule View